Does the Tesla Powerwall make Sense?

-By Kaia Beckett, MBA | [email protected]

The Tesla Powerwall is a home battery that can be charged either by solar panels or by using the grid when electricity prices are really low such as in the late evenings, at night, or on weekend and holidays.

The Powerwall can counteract home power-failures by providing a backup battery pack to run your home off of when there is no power.

Furthermore, it can save you money by charging during off-peak times, and using the power during peak and mid-peak hours of the day. The 7kWh Powerwall costs $3000 USD while the 10kWh version costs $3500 USD. Is it worth it to own a Powerwall just for the energy savings from charging during off-peak and utilizing it during on/mid peak? It depends on the electricity rates in your area and how much electricity your home uses. Use the calculator below to calculate of the Powerwall is worth it for your needs.

Low (Off Peak)
How many MID kWh do you use per day?
4 kWh
How many PEAK kWh do you use per day?
3 kWh

$0 Savings per Year

0 Years until Payback

Further incentives may make the Powerwall more beneficial. Rebates form the government for buying an energy sustainable device could lower the overall cost of purchasing a Powerwall. additionally, businesses which are using loads of power during the day or on peak periods may benefit more since all of their usage is during peak hours and they could save a lot during off peak. the Powerwall can be hooked up to other Powerwalls to provide a larger energy source.

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